Difference between revisions of "Wage"

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* http://www.montaxshift.be/
* http://www.montaxshift.be/
* RTBF, [https://www.rtbf.be/info/economie/detail_la-moitie-des-employes-flamands-et-bruxellois-gagne-3100-euros-ou-plus?id=9897121 La moitié des employés flamands et bruxellois gagne 3100 euros ou plus], avril 2018
** Lower decile: 2.085€
** Upper decile: 5.350€

Revision as of 10:17, 13 September 2018

Andrew Beh suggests the following formula:

wage =
the profit you create
+ expected profit you create next year
+ likelihood to go to work for a rival company
+ acquisition cost to replace you with similar profile

Wages by country
