Shrinking city

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In some countries, the capital and/or largest city is experiencing population decline, including:

  • Istanbul (Turkey). According to Turkish Statistical Institute, population of Istanbul declined 57,000 in 2020 and 252,000 in 2023 [DS]. The population went from 15,907,951 in 2020 to 15,655,924 in 2023 [DS]. Historical population of Istanbul [DS]:
    • 1927: 100,000 residents
    • 1950: 1 million
    • 1955: 1.5 million
    • 2000: 11 million in 2000.
    • 2010: 13.2 million.
  • Seoul (South Korea). According to Korean Times, based on Statistics Korea, the population of the city dropped 861,000 between 2014 and 2024 [KT]. Reasons include more South Korean moving to other South Korean cities than those moving in. Population decline due to low fertility rate and high renting prices are contributing factors.

See also:
